I felt sorry for William Bourdon who was deported in July 2011 but not all Frenchmen who's violated the Immigration laws in Malaysia is deported by Immigration Malaysia. Double standards and discrimination
against foreigners by Immigration Malaysia is nothing new - and it depends on whom do you know in
If the foreigner is working for a ruling government's mammoth projects, he or she is exempted from actions
of the laws and even high-ranking government officials ( with Tan Sris and Datuks ) will co-operate to
cover up for the foreigner, despite numerous public conmplaints to the Immigration, the Public Complaint Bureau of the Prime Minister's Department and the Chief Secretary to the Government.
The Frenchman who allegedly rubbed shoulders with high-ranking Malaysian officials and is still working in Malaysia on an Employment Pass ( even though he had deliberately abused his social visit pass and professional pass to work as General Manager since 16/3/2009 ) is Laurent Francois Savornin.
To all foreigners who are about to face deportations in the future, please feel free to ask the Immigration
officers on duty as to why you are discriminated against by Immigration Malaysia and why Laurent Francois Savornin was given the special treatment for the same kind of immigration offences.
According to the universal law of natural justice, everyone is equal and it is your fundamental rights to ask
why should there be double standard. Is French national being given special treatment by Immigration Malaysia ? If so, why was French national William Bourdon deported from Malaysia ?
Both SUARAM and Human Rights Watch should demand an answer from Immigration Malaysia.